CB Receptors: What They Are and How They Function

CB Receptors

The cannabis plant has two primary cannabinoids, THC and CBD (or cannabidiol).  These substances are becoming more and more well known, but what surprises many people is that humans have receptors in our bodies and brains that are specifically receptive to cannabinoids. These are called CB receptors (cannabinoid receptors). Even more surprising is that we […]

All Legal (Rick Simpson Hemp Oil) Pure – Strong


You may have heard of Rick Simpson hemp oil. An essential oil derived from cannabis plants, it is rich in the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and, according to Rick Simpson and many others, has cured their cancer. Does it really work? Anecdotal evidence clearly points in that direction. Unfortunately, because of the stigma surrounding cannabis and […]

Hemp Shampoo: Natural Secret for Beautiful Hair

Best Hemp Shampoo

Hemp’s formula of fatty acids can give your hair some TLC that puts other shampoos to shame. Once you have found the best hemp shampoo for yourself, you’ll probably never have to look for another kind. The Best Hemp Shampoo For the longest time, shampoo was simply the step in your regimen that you used […]

Is CBD Oil Legal In My Country? 

Is CBD Legal

Find out Where CBD is Legal Everyone wants to know whether it’s legal in their countries, so I’m gonna talk about that in a second. First of all, you need to know that CBD oil can come from both the hemp plant and from marijuana.  Both of those plants are different varieties of cannabis but […]

CBD for Skin Care


Hemp oil contains the ideal amount of fatty acids for skin care. The essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 are often missed in our diets. What’s worse, our bodies don’t naturally produce them. Hemp Oil Skin Benefits Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it absorbs everything put onto it. Today, many […]

Whoopi and Maya: Medical Cannabis

Whoopi Goldberg Marijuana

Whoopi Goldberg Marijuana Products for Women Marijuana has been an important part of Whoopi Goldberg’s life recently. Now, the Oscar-winning star of Ghost is lending her name and her financial might to a new medical Whoopi Goldberg marijuana venture designed entirely for women. The comedian and actress has never shied away from marijuana use, discussing […]

Understanding the Florida Medical Marijuana Act of 2017

Florida Medical Marijuana

Florida residents could be forgiven for feeling like children caught between squabbling parents when it comes to the medical marijuana legalization issue. In a long-sought victory, the state of Florida officially approved the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization initiative, popularly known as Amendment 2, in the general election held on November 8, 2016, where it garnered […]

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug? The Answer Will Surprise You

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug

A common theory promoted by people who oppose marijuana legalization is that the consumption of marijuana leads to the use of harder drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. People who use the so-called gateway drug theory as a reason to protest the legalization of marijuana point to trends and data they see as supporting the […]

How to Decarb Weed Simplified (3 Super Easy Ways)


You’ve heard a lot about cannabis and its many potential health benefits, and you’re ready to try it, but you don’t want the mind-altering experience. Believe it or not, smoking cannabis does not have to make you high, even when decarboxylated (a process that creates and releases the psychoactive effects from marijuana). Not all cannabis […]

This Is How to Get Your Illinois Medical Marijuana Card

Illinois Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is cannabis used for medicinal purposes. The legalization of medical marijuana in the United States has had a tumultuous and harried history (1). Like many other “hot button” issues with socio-cultural and political ramifications, the topic of Illinois medical marijuana has been left primarily at the behest of the individual states with some […]

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