How To Use Marijuana Oil And Why It’s Different From Hemp Oil

As the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use continues to sweep the country by storm, the methods of using marijuana have definitely come a long way. Where smoking has long been the preferred method of consuming marijuana, it seems that these days, people have quite a few more options. Marijuana oil has […]
How The Marijuana Border Policy Can Deny Canadian Users Entry Into U.S.

If you’re a Canadian and you admit to having used marijuana, you may be banned from entering the United States. Yes, those United States, where medical marijuana is legal in many places. The case of a Canadian man who was denied entry into the U.S. because he admitted to having smoked cannabis recreationally has set […]
Is it Legal to Grow Hemp?

When it comes to the world’s plants, none is more widely used than hemp. And there seem to be no limits to its possibilities—from food to biofuel, textiles to paper, and even plastic. Add to this versatility the fact that it grows practically anywhere with no need for synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, there’s little wonder […]
How to Make High CBD Edibles That Work

What are CBD Edibles? Before you get down to making CBD edibles, it’s useful to know exactly what CBD is. (For any questions involving cannabidiol, we recommend visiting our resource page about cannabidiol, where we tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know in depth.) Most people, when they think of marijuana or cannabis, […]
Texas Hemp Laws Explained

Texas Hemp Law On June 1, 2015, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, signed SB 339 or the Texas Compassionate Use Act. The law allows people with intractable epilepsy to purchase medical cannabis under the guidance of a doctor. It allows patients to buy cannabis that contains 10% or more of CBD and no more […]
Researchers Buzzing About New Potential For Medical Marijuana Studies

On August 11 2016, the DEA announced that the way in which marijuana is studied in the US will change for the better. Researchers will now enjoy better access to a wider variety of cannabis strains. As it stands, over 20 US states have legalized marijuana for medical use, yet the federal government recently confirmed […]
What Is Hemp Wear?

The demand for eco-friendly clothing is growing by the day with an ever-increasing number of brands acknowledging the various benefits of hemp wear and other types of natural fabrics. These natural materials are favored by an increasing number of clothing brands for myriad reasons, including comfort, durability and versatility. While hemp can be utilized across […]
Lancet Psychiatry Reports 10 Million Increase In Marijuana Smokers

A new study by the UK-based medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry has found that about 10 million more Americans are now smoking marijuana compared to 12 years ago. Against the backdrop of at least five US states – including California – readying themselves for a vote on whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational […]
Legalize Marijuana: Where Does Your State Stand?

The road to legalizing marijuana has been a long one and, over the years, has seen many twists, turns, detours, and delays. As outdated marijuana policies begin to loosen, more and more states are seemingly becoming more open to the idea of legalizing marijuana (on a medical and/or recreational level). Pioneer states such as Colorado […]
The Mighty Hemp Revolution: From Hero to Zero and Back Again

Were you to take a quick tour of the DEA’s website, you might be forgiven for thinking hemp was never an accepted part of American society, parked as it is alongside nefarious substances like heroin. So it may come as a surprise to know that hemp used to be one of the most widely planted […]