How to Get Hemp Oil in the UK

In today’s world, drug use is a topic that is debated by many people. Of all the drugs being discussed, marijuana is the one at the forefront of most discussions. While it is illegal to purchase marijuana in the UK, it is perfectly legal to purchase hemp oil. However, for those wishing to do so, […]
How to Make CBD Oil in Three Ways

CBD oil is growing in popularity as a supplement and an alternative way of soothing the senses. But what is it, and how is it made? And what is its relationship to THC? CDB is short for cannabidiol, which is one of around 85 compounds found in cannabis. CBD oil is the product of extracting CBD-rich […]
What is CBD Oil?

While many people are well aware that THC is one of the many agents found in cannabis, or the marijuana plant, many are not aware that there are more than 60 different compounds in cannabis. THC is the compound that is most well-known because it provides individuals with many of the effects that they relate […]
Hemp Supplements Explained

There’s a variety of hemp supplements and products available on the market today. Confusion can start to set in when we are unsure of which ones are right for us. Am I looking for something with CBD oil in it? Where’s the plain, old hemp? What makes a cannabis plant hemp and not marijuana? In […]
Natural Hemp Oil Soap Recipes for Skin Care

Making your homemade hemp oil soap is an excellent idea if you’re trying to avoid harmful chemicals. Producing hemp oil soap at home isn’t as tough as it may seem. Hemp oil has a high ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. These are both essential fatty acids typically considered very beneficial to health. In […]
Discover Effective Diabetes Herbal Remedies

Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to simply as diabetes, is a health condition that causes high blood sugar levels. It is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, approximately 9% of adults had diabetes last year. There are two main types of diabetes: type-1 and […]
Hemp Oil Psoriasis Treatment Options You Can Manage at Home

If you’re like most psoriasis sufferers, you’ll have tried just about every cream, lotion, pill, and spray to relieve your symptoms. Maybe they help a little, but you still itch and flake your way through life. But there is an oil that might just help: hemp oil. I’m not going to claim that hemp oil […]
Real Scientific Hemp Oil Reviews from Real Users

Reading through any Real Scientific Hemp Oil reviews will give you an idea of how iconic the product is in the hemp market. In fact, most people agree that Real Scientific Hemp Oil is an embodiment of what a hemp oil product should be. RSHO has all the goodness of hemp oil, due to its […]
Cannabidiol Extraction

Hemp is still one of the most misunderstood plants. Despite a growing body of evidence on the value of its potential medicinal properties, the cannabis plant continues to be the center of a maelstrom of legalization controversies. At the root of the hemp controversy is one variety, cannabis sativa. In street lingo, this is weed, […]
Hemp Oil Hair Products for Those Bad Hair Days

Some of your hair problems likely stem from the shampoos, conditioners, and goodness knows what else has had contact with your hair and scalp over the years. “No-shampoo” advocates know that most hair products contain sulfates that strip the scalp of its natural oils. This stripping causes the scalp to overcompensate by producing more oil […]