Eat Better, Feel Better: The Anti-Anxiety Diet

Anti Anxiety Diet

When it comes to stress, sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up with what’s going on in your mind and forget about what you’re putting in your body. There are a number of foods and drinks that can help or hinder when it comes to dealing with stress. Knowing what to eat more […]

Things You Can Do to Relieve Your Sports Anxiety

Sports Anxiety

Anyone who has participated in a sports competition may be aware of the concept of sports anxiety. Often referred to as “choking,” sports anxiety can best be described as the onslaught of nervousness, fear or anxiety capable of interfering with your performance. If you’ve dealt with sports anxiety, your athletic performance may be hindered by […]

9 Tips for Work Stress Relief

Work Stress Relief

Do you dread Mondays? Does the sound of your alarm clock going off send your spirits sinking into despair? Do you glide to work with a smile on your face or drag yourself there? All of us experience some kind of work-related stress at some point in our careers, and it can have grave consequences […]

How Do You Disconnect from Information Anxiety?

Information Anxiety

There’s no denying it—we live in a world where information rules. Our phones, tablets, and laptops ping at us indiscriminately, whether to report on a worldwide disaster or simply to let us know our friend has posted on social media. We are glued to our screens, feeling panic if we cannot access the internet. Does […]

9 Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stress can come in many different forms, but it will affect everyone in some form at some point in their lives. While most instances of stress are normal and part of everyday life, large amounts of stress can have consequences for both the body and mind, some of which can even be deadly if not […]

How to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

How to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

If you have a fear of public speaking, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Did you know that three out of four people have a fear of public speaking? That’s 75 percent of the population that’s scared to stand up and speak in front of an audience. If you’re wondering how to overcome public speaking anxiety […]

Anxiety Breathing Exercises 101: The Go-To Guide

Anxiety Breathing Exercises

If you suffer from feelings of anxiety, you know just how much it can negatively affect your life. While it might help to know that, according to some statistics, anxiety affects some 40 million American adults, this doesn’t make personally dealing with anxious feelings any easier. The fear and unwarranted worry that can accompany high […]

How to Recognize and Reduce Anxiety while Driving


For some, there’s nothing more panic-inducing than sitting behind the wheel of a car. For others, that feeling of anxiety sets in when they’re in the passenger’s seat. Either way, experiencing anxiety while driving is very real and a very debilitating issue. You may let your fear of driving influence your everyday life, avoiding the […]

Natural Coping Techniques for Fear of Flying


Natural Ways to Help Overcome Fear of Flying There are a number of ways to battle and overcome a fear of flying. Each person is different, so please do your research and see what makes the most sense for you. Below are a few management techniques that may also be of help before your next […]

How to Cope with Workplace Anxiety: The Ultimate Guide


While some stress and pressure at work can be a natural part of daily life, persistent workplace anxiety can be both debilitating and disruptive. Workplace anxiety can be rooted in a number of things from stresses outside of work that make you feel unable to function to pressure within your industry and from your employers […]

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