Hemp Oil Uses for a Healthy Life


Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant. Hemp is a hardy and fast-growing plant regarded by many as nature’s best source of many products including fuel, fiber, construction materials and foods. The flowers of the cannabis plant are known to bring about some hallucination effects, but this is not the case […]

Everything You Need to Know About CBD Suppositories for Menstrual Cramps

Everything You Need to Know About CBD Suppositories for Menstrual Cramps

Menstruation is a natural part of a woman’s life, usually occurring once a month. However, menstruation can also result in a variety of other symptoms thanks to the hormonal flux and physiological changes during your period, including menstrual cramps. In many women, these menstrual cramps can be debilitating, causing significant problems in all facets of […]

Hemp Oil: Nature’s Best Kept Secret in 2018

Hemp Oil Basics

To start, let’s talk basics. You can’t understand the ins-and-outs of hemp oil unless you know the answer to the most important question – what exactly is hemp oil? It’s pretty simple. Hemp oil is the nutty, flavorful oil that’s derived from hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant that has a long history in […]

The Complex Relationship Between Athletes and Marijuana


It takes a fair amount of blood, sweat, and tears – and a lot of pain – to reach the top in sport. So, should marijuana be removed from the banned-substance list in order to help with that pain? Former college athlete Treyous Jarrells thinks so, and he’s not alone. He trained high. He played […]

6 Tips for Back Discomfort


People with back pain often decrease their activity level to prevent further damage, and some may stop working altogether.  Cutting back on physical activities that you once enjoyed can dampen your spirit and quality of life, and this may postpone your recovery.  Friends, family members, and employers can also slow your recovery by being too […]

What Causes Chronic Inflammation?


Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response. When you think of inflammation, images of a swollen stubbed toe might come to mind. This is known as acute inflammation and is actually something that is good for your body. In this case, the immune system is doing its job, and the body’s natural defense […]

7 Soothing Strategies for Managing Pain

Managing Pain

Are you living with constant pain? Have you experienced a brief episode of intense pain? Most of us will do anything to avoid feeling pain, but managing pain is a healthy, protective response from your body. Pain is a way your body is telling you that something is not right and needs your immediate attention. […]

How to Gracefully Embrace the Natural Aging Process

Aging Process

As the years continue to quickly slip by, one thing is certain: We’re all getting older. The aging process is natural. From the first few grey hairs to the fine lines that begin to appear, aging and the changes that are taking place in our bodies are all part of the progression of life. Aging […]

3 Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin and Up Your Happy Hormone

Ways to Increase Serotonin

Health and happiness go hand in hand—you can’t have one without the other. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that “[h]ealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.” So how healthy are you? In this article, you’ll learn about one of the key components to both health and happiness: serotonin. […]

7 Ways to Maximize Your Emotional and Mental Health

Emotional and Mental Health

Our emotional and mental health and wellbeing are vital to living a balanced life. When our emotions are healthy and we’re in a positive mental state, it’s much easier to cope with the daily demands of life. Our mental state literally dictates the way we perceive the world around us. Maintaining positive mental health is […]

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