Category Archives: Education

10 Surprising Facts about How to Use CBD Oil for Dogs

10 Surprising Facts About How to Use CBD Oil for Dogs Man’s best friend deserves the very best when it comes to their nutrition and overall well-being. Whether your fur baby is a large breed like a German shepherd or a small breed like a Chihuahua, their health is of the utmost importance, as with […]

CBD Tinctures: The Old-School Option That’s Gaining Popularity

CBD tincture

If you have ever considered supplementing your daily diet with cannabidiol, or CBD, you may have heard of CBD tinctures as an alternative way to ingest the healthy benefits of hemp products. Many people have long been praising CBD tinctures for the potential relief of stress and inflammation, as well as helping improve their moods. […]

CBD Isolate: What is it and How do You Use CBD Isolates

Cbd Isolate

Today, the purest form of cannabidiol (CBD) available is an isolate. High-quality isolates test at 99-percent pure CBD and are still a relatively new product on the market. If you are new to the recent developments in the world of medicinal cannabinoids, using products like isolates might seem risky. After all, isolates look nothing like […]

CBN: The Forgotten Cannabinoid with a Bright Future


When it comes to cannabinoids, THC and CBD are often the first two compounds that spring to mind. Cannabidiol (CBD), in particular, has come under the spotlight in recent years for its vast beneficial properties. Now, a third cannabinoid has been making a splash for its potential health benefits: a chemical called cannabinol (CBN). What […]

The Ultimate Throwdown: CBD Oil Paste vs. Tablets (and Many More)

CBD oil paste

CBD oil is natural, legal, and comes in a variety of formats, including pure oil, sprays, gummies, tablets, concentrates, and balms. While every product is 100-percent safe and has virtually no side effects, it’s important that you choose the right CBD product for your physical well-being and comfort level. If you’ve been wondering about the […]

How to Use CBD Oil & Available Product Types

How to Use CBD Oil

Most of you will know about tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound in marijuana that leads to feelings of euphoria—in other words, the stuff that gets you high. But it’s another compound in the cannabis plant that has advocates excited. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the other major component of marijuana that, along with THC and the […]