How to Use CBD Oil & Available Product Types

How to Use CBD Oil

Most of you will know about tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound in marijuana that leads to feelings of euphoria—in other words, the stuff that gets you high. But it’s another compound in the cannabis plant that has advocates excited. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the other major component of marijuana that, along with THC and the […]

How to Decarb Weed Simplified (3 Super Easy Ways)


You’ve heard a lot about cannabis and its many potential health benefits, and you’re ready to try it, but you don’t want the mind-altering experience. Believe it or not, smoking cannabis does not have to make you high, even when decarboxylated (a process that creates and releases the psychoactive effects from marijuana). Not all cannabis […]

This Is How to Get Your Illinois Medical Marijuana Card

Illinois Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is cannabis used for medicinal purposes. The legalization of medical marijuana in the United States has had a tumultuous and harried history (1). Like many other “hot button” issues with socio-cultural and political ramifications, the topic of Illinois medical marijuana has been left primarily at the behest of the individual states with some […]

How To Use Marijuana Oil And Why It’s Different From Hemp Oil


As the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use continues to sweep the country by storm, the methods of using marijuana have definitely come a long way. Where smoking has long been the preferred method of consuming marijuana, it seems that these days, people have quite a few more options. Marijuana oil has […]

How to Make High CBD Edibles That Work


What are CBD Edibles? Before you get down to making CBD edibles, it’s useful to know exactly what CBD is. (For any questions involving cannabidiol, we recommend visiting our resource page about cannabidiol, where we tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know in depth.)   Most people, when they think of marijuana or cannabis, […]

Awesome DIY Project: How to Make Hemp Oil 101

How to Make Hemp Oil

Many of you have reached out to us asking how to make hemp oil yourself. So, without further ado, let’s delve deeper into the different types of hemp oil and give you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to making hemp oil at home. Hemp Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil Though similar in name, there are fundamental […]

How to Gracefully Embrace the Natural Aging Process

Aging Process

As the years continue to quickly slip by, one thing is certain: We’re all getting older. The aging process is natural. From the first few grey hairs to the fine lines that begin to appear, aging and the changes that are taking place in our bodies are all part of the progression of life. Aging […]

How to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

How to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

If you have a fear of public speaking, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Did you know that three out of four people have a fear of public speaking? That’s 75 percent of the population that’s scared to stand up and speak in front of an audience. If you’re wondering how to overcome public speaking anxiety […]

How to Recognize and Reduce Anxiety while Driving


For some, there’s nothing more panic-inducing than sitting behind the wheel of a car. For others, that feeling of anxiety sets in when they’re in the passenger’s seat. Either way, experiencing anxiety while driving is very real and a very debilitating issue. You may let your fear of driving influence your everyday life, avoiding the […]

How to Cope with Workplace Anxiety: The Ultimate Guide


While some stress and pressure at work can be a natural part of daily life, persistent workplace anxiety can be both debilitating and disruptive. Workplace anxiety can be rooted in a number of things from stresses outside of work that make you feel unable to function to pressure within your industry and from your employers […]

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