Hemp’s formula of fatty acids can give your hair some TLC that puts other shampoos to shame. Once you have found the best hemp shampoo for yourself, you’ll probably never have to look for another kind.
The Best Hemp Shampoo
For the longest time, shampoo was simply the step in your regimen that you used to clean your hair. While this is still important to maintain a healthy scalp, most shampoos are filled with sulphates and the like. These are detergents, so they strip your hair of its natural oils.
Unlike regular shampoos, the best hemp shampoo will effectively strengthen and fortify your hair. With a supply of fatty acids, your hair’s condition will actually improve using hemp, not simply be “clean.” Please, note that hemp shampoos are the best choice for general recovery or support. If you have some specific hair problems like dandruff or fungus you are better off to use specific antifungal shampoo or another shampoo with a relevant curative effect.
These are only a few of the hemp oil benefits for hair. Let us now delve into a few of the hemp products out there that we took a shine to this year.
The Products
Not only is Cibaderm a CBD-rich strengthening hemp shampoo, but this product can also help rejuvenate your hair as well as protect it from damaging influences like the sun and styling. Something is typical of CBD is its anti-inflammatory properties, which can do wonders for your scalp.
Your scalp will get much-needed hydration. There are no parabens, petroleum, or any of those harmful and artificial additives.
Another hemp product, and a great contender for the best hemp shampoo, is J. R. Liggett’s Old- Fashioned Bar shampoo. Made with both tea tree and hemp oil, this product will give you a clean and tingly feeling.
Another one of the best shampoo products on the market is by Platinum Gold Essentials. This product supplies the one-two punch of both hemp oil and the powerful Moroccan argan oil. Combined to give you hydration, volume, and shine, this hemp shampoo is nothing short of impressive.
Hemp shampoo products are helpful for maintaining a healthy head of hair. Be sure to look up other hemp products like conditioners, balms, and lotions to optimize your beauty supply of nature’s finest. There is an array of hemp products to choose from, so you are sure to find the ones that are right for you. Don’t be afraid to shop around and experiment–that’s half the fun!
Have you found some of the best hemp shampoo products? Tell us about them by leaving us a comment down below.
FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold by Healthy Hemp Oil are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Read more