A common question in this industry is, “What is CBD in weed?” Most people want to know how it compares to THC — and I don’t blame them. In this article, we’re going to discuss the history of CBD and how it differs from THC.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound that accounts for about 40% of marijuana extractions. The psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and about sixty other cannabinoids make up the remaining 60%.
Even after its discovery, CBD remained one element of marijuana that seemed neither harmless nor useful and, therefore, attracted little attention from either growers or researchers.
Nevertheless, mankind has used marijuana for medicinal purposes for thousands of years; Emperor Fu of China in 2900 BC declared it a medicine containing yin and yang (a Chinese philosophy describing the interconnection between the good and bad in life), ancient Egyptians used it to treat glaucoma, and ancient Indians used it as an anesthetic during medical operations. These civilizations saw the benefits of marijuana, but they never knew that the cannabidiol (CBD) in the plant may also have benefits.
Since there were no appropriate technologies to study the plant in detail, it was long believed that the elements within it that cured illnesses were the same that led to a “high” in those who consumed it. This latter effect has given the plant a bad name throughout history and even led, later in the 19th and 20th centuries, to widespread criminalization and ban in many countries around the world.
The dilemma presented by the potential medicinal value and the psychoactive effects started to receive a rational answer in 1964 when Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, an Israeli professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, first discovered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and identified it as the main psychoactive component of the plant.
But What is CBD in Weed?
That discovery, though a step in the right direction, was far from sanitizing the medicinal value of the plant. In fact, following this discovery, THC became the main compound of interest among producers, dealers, consumers, and even governments, to the detriment of other compounds in the plant, including medicinal CBD.
Farmers began to breed out CBD and other compounds to enhance the quantity of the psychoactive THC in the plant, because that was the primary selling point of marijuana at the time, and, without it, the substance was impotent. The more THC present in marijuana, the more valuable it was in the market. Consumers were interested only in getting high.
That has changed in recent years, however, due to more studies bringing out other characteristics of marijuana that were previously unclear. The focus of attention is now moving from THC to CBD.
Research has now implied that, while THC is responsible for the psychoactivity of marijuana, CBD may also be a healing compound. The former stimulates and induces hallucinations while the latter may work with body cells to help improve immunity and is even produced naturally in the human brain.
CBD has given rise to a medical marijuana movement in the United States and across the world. Over 20 states in the US have decriminalized marijuana in order to make CBD accessible to millions of people interested in trying it for themselves.
Even though marijuana is still illegal in some US states – and some nations around the globe – industrial cannabidiol and its products are, to a large extent, legal.
FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold by Healthy Hemp Oil are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Read more
This article is helpful, but does not answer my questions:
Why aren’t cannabis experts explaining that industrial HEMP oil contains CBDs for healing?
Including marijuana in the discussion creates antagonism. Why not just discuss hemp, not marijuana?
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for your compliments. In response to your question, I totally agree. There should be much more talk about industrial HEMP and not just Marijuana. The industry is still very new, and most people just don’t know that it’s available for sale legally from industrial hemp. I hope that more people start talking about it, because there are many people who need help with CBD.
I have been following the development of medicinal marijuana in hope to find seizure control for my 14 year old son.
Not until this past week did I know of HEMP OIL. I have now been reading all I can for days & before ordering a trial bottle of oil,
I called my son’s neurologist as is recommended by manufacturer….the neurologist started with the statement that “IT” is
still illegal in Ohio & she can give no advice on dosage, etc. I preceded to explain the difference between HEMP & MARIJUANA.
The nurse told me that the Dr. was not aware of such & so at this time could offer me nothing.
This is not my first conversation with Dr’s on the subject of high CBD/low THC marijuana as an alternative medicine for my son…who has not had seizure control for 6+years. And, each conversation, I am the one with the most knowledge. I am educated, but a stay at home mom, because I have to available at all times to care for my son when having an extra bad day.
The basic information that was laid out in this article needs to be put in the hands of each & every neurologist, pediatrician & politician.
Hi Patricia! Thanks so much for your kind words. It’s disappointing to hear about your struggles with the Drs and their lack on knowledge on this subject. However, I’m glad you are doing the best you can for your son and getting yourself educated! That’s the best thing you can do 🙂
I agree, I finally feel free of doctors and their greed, also calling all their patients junkie all because they have pain or psychological struggles. The health system is corrupted and plain terrifying. I am lucky to be alive after all that I went through.
That must have been scary, Tony. But I’m glad you are on the mend!
One must also consider the assumptions through the years, as myself. For example: I used high THC for many years and enjoyed the health benefits of cannabis, however, erroneously i thought; the more THC it contains the more benefiting the cannabis. Sometimes I would over do it and being highly toxic at the time I would experience feelings of vertigo or dizziness. To my understanding I thought it was the THC. However, I recently got rsho and the day after I felt like never before in many years, pain free. I kept taking the cbd 2 to 3 times per day about half grain of rice each time and within days experienced the dizziness or vertigo feel. Was I feeling the cbd all that time in the pass? Now I decreased to 1 or 2 times a day but I still feel kind of dizzy. Any suggestions or information on this facts? Thank you. The one I bought is the blue label siringe. Other than that I am so happy about it and no longer have to get anything from the street, not knowing what it has or deal with psychoactive effects.
Hey Tony, thanks for your comments! I haven’t spoken to many people who have experienced dizziness or vertigo from the High CBD Hemp oil, so I can’t speak from that point of view. It does sound a little bit like a dosage issue (perhaps just taking too much). It’s hard to say, and I’m not a DR either — just trying to help people 🙂
I would try going up and down in dosage to see if you can find that sweet spot where you can get relief but no dizziness. Or it’s possible that you could try another FORM of CBD like the vaporizer, capsules etc.
I’m glad you don’t have to get anything from the street too! Stay safe!
I agree Brandon. And perhaps i would be getting the cibdex drops next time rather.
on the rick simpson website there is a graphic picture that has all the information on what cannabis to use for different diseases.
so for instance if you want to treat cancer you wil need a strain that contains : thc: cbd: cbc: cbg: and cbdv .
so according to mr. simpson you wil not be able to manage cancer with cbc only.
I looked at the Simpson chart. How would one know what strains have which cannabis compounds, i.e.: thc; thcv; cbd: cbc: cbg; and cbdv?
Which pipe ? Hemp oil.
I use a brain dart. They are easy to use.
I am currently prescribed klonopin for my anxiety and OCD, and it also helps with my facial ticks(mild form of tourettes syndrome) I would like to wean off of the klonopin and use something more natural with no risk of addiction or withdrawal. I have been doing Alot of research and CBD seems like a great option but I have never tried it. Other than smoking weed of course. But smoking weed just makes me more anxious and crazy. That’s why I would love to try this CBD. It seems like the perfect answer. Any comments on how well CBD would work in helping to treat my symptoms? Any input is appreciated thank you.
Hi Zach, I’m Lucy on the Customer Service Team. CBD works well for anxiety although we recommend you to consult with your physician first prior to discontinuing your medication. We don’t guarantee that the product works for everyone since it is still the subject of constant research but it is safe to use with no reported side effects and legal making it an ideal choice for naturalists and health-conscious individuals alike.
Hi Lucy, Thank you for the reply. I have talked to my doctor and we are working a ween down plan. He also told me to go ahead and give the CBD tincture a shot. Since you are on the customer service team maybe you can answer my question since I haven’t gotten a reply from anyone else I tried to contact. If I order a CBD tincture and use it for the recommended 2 straight weeks to feel the full effect. If at that time i realize that it is not helping me, what is the policy for the 30 day money back guarantee?
Hi Zach, I think I already have answered your question through email which is basically, if you are unsatisfied with our product, you can have your full refund within 30 days from purchase. Just let us know through call or email so we can help out with the process. If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be glad to help.
i would like a refund please this stuff doesnt do anything.i paid big bucks for something that doesnt help me at all
I live in Canada and am on Klonopin for my severe anxiety. I am tapering off it slowly. I applied through a doctor and received a medical marijuana card. I have been using a vaporizer and two different types of mmj. One is 6.5%THC and 8% CBD and the other is <1% THC and 9% CBD. I haven't been able to notice any effect on my anxiety. I know it does help many people and I haven't noticed any bad effects either. My anxiety is very bad and the klonopin hardly even helps, at least at the fairly low dose of .5 mgs which I have been using. It may have helped a bit when I first started it but didn't help for long and is probably making me worse now, especially as I am tapering off. It won't hurt for you to try it and it may help you. Good luck. Anxiety sucks.
You’re right, anxiety does suck! I am on a 3mg a day dose of klonopin they stopped working and tapering off of that is difficult. I’m sure you can relate. Medical Marijuana is not legal in my state yet so the CBD tinctures would be my only option. I’ve heard a lot of positive reviews along with “no guarantee” and now hearing you havent noticed any effect at all. I am so hesitant to put out money not knowing if it will work or not. But this site i found offers a 30 day money back guarantee so i guess like you said it wouldn’t hurt to try. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and give me your input. That was very nice of you.
I have tried everything under the sun and am always hopeful that the next thing will work and that is sometimes the onlly thing that keeps me going because my life is so awful from this anxiety and subsequent depression that I don’t know how to carry on most of the time. I’m sorry you are struggling and got on a high dose of klonopin. It never made me feel great, just kept the anxiety at bay enough so that I didn’t feel like killing myself. Now it is not working and while tapering off, it causes even more anxiety but they say that being on it makes your anxiety get worse so I am trying my best to taper off very slowly and was hoping the CBD would help. Can’t really say it did but I think I am an especially tough case. You might find some relief; some people do. If I can help you with any advice on tapering your klonopin, I would be happy to. Some people don’t have too hard a time getting off but for others, it can be very difficult. By the way, I got the CBD tinctures from the U.S. before I obtained my medical card here. So I tried that first.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do and God Bless you!
i would love some help with the tapering off. Every time I try to lessen my dosage even my .5 mg it makes me feel like bed is the place to be all day. i have the same issue that my anxiety goes hand in hand with depression and the Klonopin was and is kinda helping to keep it at bay and stop the thoughts about suicide. I don’t know if you’ve ever read a book called “Girl Interrupted” but there is a part where she says something like “when you think about killing yourself so much its almost like a reflex, Whoop the bus is late, better kill myself, bad hair day, lets end it all, didn’t get the job, give me a noose.” I’m paraphrasing but that was how i used to feel all the time and the klonopin did help for a long time with that too. But those thoughts are breaking back through. My doctor suggested upping my dose, what so that dose can become ineffective too and then i either keep going up or try something different. I dont want to go up anymore. I am so scared of coming off.
why are you not on meds mate for that??why??
I am on meds. Have tried everything and nothing helps. I just keep getting worse and all the meds have side effects and are horrible to withdraw from.
mate you need to get on the right one then.if they are not working you need to work with a doctor to get the right meds or a shrink.he or she can work out what meds to give you after talking to you for a while and know your symtoms marie
I have been working with a psychiatrist for years. She has tried everything and everything makes me worse. I am getting off my benzo right now and think I will be a lot better after I heal from that. My anxiety and depression have gotten worse since I started taking it. I have even tried cranial magnetic stimulation which had no effect at all. The CBD did nothing for me. It didn’t help you either, I see. How are you doing? Does anything help you?
i take anti depression tablets and have done for 24 years.i dont cbd for that ,i take it for sever chronic pain.but to answer your qs yes the tablet works!im on zoloft .i have sever back back pain no op can fix according to the pain specialists x2. sciatica,and damage from a glass shower screen nearly taking my arm off ,cutting my left blade and in the joint of my left arm.s
o cbd is for these and anxiety and sleep.so dont give up you need meds and you need to correct one hun x
I have tried Paxil, Celia, Zoloft, effexor, lithium, Lamictal, remeron, pristiq, lorazepam, clonazepam. Every antidepressant makes my anxiety worse and tranquilizers just put me to sleep until they lose their effectiveness, then they do nothing except make my anxiety and depression worse. I’m much worse now than when I first started trying meds. I take 25 mgs Elavil and 25 mgs Seroquel at night to help me sleep. I am in withdrawal from klonopin which was no longer helping me and was actually making me worse. Drugs have not helped me and I have been trying for seven years, all the while feeling worse and worse and now feeling suicidal.
marie i feel there is something a lot worse happening to you if those are not working for you.
have you had a head scan?and a blood test to test for adrenal gland and vitamin d?
I have been an anxious, nervous wreck all my life and get stressed out so easily that I can’t function in this world and then I get depressed. Physically, I am extremely healthy. I have never had a head scan but I have had my blood tested for everything and everything is perfect.
Have you considered the possibility of heavy metal poisoning like Mercury or possibly lead poisoning? My friend had the same issues as you and didn’t feel better until after having mercury amalgams removed and detoxing the metal out of the brain and body. Good luck and God bless you on your journey!
I have had my amalgams removed about fifteen years ago and had chelation after
Marie, have you had blood work done to test for nutritional deficiencies while working with a nutritionist? I would definitely do that if I was in your position. Psychiatrists can definitely be part of the problem. Good nutrition will not hurt anyone, only heal.
Yes, get bloodwork done. You may have too much or too little of certain minerals and also test for HEAVY METALS by a urine test.
If you find you have heavy metals in your system which cause all kinds of health issues there is a way to remove them by chelation.
Can be thyroid issues as well.
If you are on facebook, look me up and friend me and I can message you some important info about your taper and an online community of others going through the same thing who can support you too. You have my name so I am easy to find on facebook. If you can’t get on Facebook, let me know and we can find another way to communicate privately.
Sorry but I disagree, there is empirical evidence that THC has significant medicinal benefits beyond its psychoactive properties. The problem is how we handle the debate, the plant’s use should be subject to three distinct debates, one about recreational use, one about therapeutic use and a third about the plant’s other applications, and there are many.
It is the synergistic properties of the plant that produce an entourage effect. With the correct funding we could manage, mitigate, or cure most major ailments within 10 years.
That’s true. As we continue to explore the possibilities of cure which medicinal marijuana provides, we offer a legal alternative to cannabidiol without getting the high feeling.
Lucy if you are associated with the product then I commend you for allowing a comment that is not in total agreement. Please be aware that the biggest problem we face in the coming years is Monsanto’s research into genetically modifying cannabis. The current legislation at the State level and ultimately (as soon as the Big Pharmaceuticals get the plant modified enough for a slew of new patents) at the Federal level will hurt us all.
This medicine needs to be developed through selective breeding backed by solid independent scientific evidence of its effects. Much has been done and much more needs to be done. To ensure the integrity of the supply it must be left in the hands of individuals or small organic farmer. To that needs to be an independent non-government standards and ethics oversight committee made up of independent scientists and perhaps religious clergy.
There’s one thing that is never added to the debate and that is the synergistic effects of a natural diet and cannabis. This is my life’s work after I used both to successfully deal with Cancer, heart disease, and debilitating neuropathy. In 72 hours I was medication free.
I am documenting my experience and methodology and hope to sell this as an ebook or membership site. All of the proceeds will be used to continue to refine the cure and to minimize the impact of government interference at all levels. I hope the community will offer its support.
Would love to hear more from badlimey on results. I have had skin cancer more times than I would like to count. Anxiety is off the charts and I do believe stress is a huge factor in that issue.
I am posting this as a main topic and as a reply to Sandee. I endorse healthy hemp oil but want to make it clear that I am not associated with the company on any level and do not stand to profit from this endorsement.
Hi Sandee, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from anxiety and skin cancer but I want to assure you that better days are ahead for you. I apologize for the lengthy reply but I really do want to help you.
I am documenting the entire experience and I will make it available to everyone world wide for free. I can tell you that an holistic approach that encompasses mind, body, and spirit, is essential to achieving long term and sustainable remission.
I hesitate to use the word cure because of the political and legal ramifications in the corrupt world we now live in. But you can put a label on what it is when you have been cancer free for 10 years, call it whatever you like.
I am now just as a couple of weeks in and for the first time in months I am able to move around. I just took a two mile walk on the beach. My depression and anxiety has been relieved by 90% but because my medicine is illegal in Texas there is no consistency of supply and quality and content is always an issue, not to mention I am in dire financial straights.
In the interim if you can afford the product showcased here it would definitely not hurt anything to rub it into your skin. I believe I have uncovered a process that can fine tune the specific chemical components of Cannabis (Marijuana) to produce higher concentrations of specific compounds.
For instance, Myrcene a Terpene that is known to increase THC uptake by bonding the receptors and altering the membrane between them is usually found in very small concentrations, I have a method to be able to increase that any other compound as a natural part of the growth cycle. No man made chemicals of any kind involved. I can also increase the standard yield by 75% – 200% organically.
That’s as much as I can reveal right now. I may be broke at this moment but over the past 23 years I have been directly responsible for generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue (documented). I just didn’t get my fair share, but the point is I understand the marketplace value of something like this but I find it immoral to profit from somebody else’s misery or demise.
With that said it is time for me to put theory into action and I need to fund specific research and conduct specific research so I can share the results and the science behind it to anybody that wants it.
By using myself as a Human Guinea Pig I can share my experiences virtually in real time and then based on my results and after reviewing the scientific proof you can make your own decision if it is something you want to do for yourself or a loved one.
I think I will make a good subject because many of the symptoms I have to deal with are symptoms that are commonly shared with other diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes.
In the early new year I hope to crowdfund this project and 100% of the proceeds will be channeled into conducting this research, restoring the integrity of our food supply which has been compromised and set new standards for organic products. It will require me to move away from my children and relocate from Texas to Colorado.
I really do not want to solicit donations it would be inappropriate for this forum but I do want to help people like yourself so I will make this email available for anyone that wants to contact me privately. [email protected]
I am not a scientist, doctor, or lawyer, so I can’t offer specific advice but I can tell you after researching thousands of papers and watching hundreds of hours of lectures, and 56 years of life experience exactly what I would do if I were in your shoes or had to make a decision for one of my children (Well 2 are grown).
I am going to close by listing my documented ailments and diagnosis’s and three photographs the first was taken of me in 2011, the second in May following my second heart attack (not my house :() and one from the day before I quit my meds cold turkey just a few weeks ago (if I can). I’m never going to be George Clooney but I am looking much better now.
1983 Suffered a spinal compression injury on active duty.
1985 Suffered a minor heart attack (Found out decades later) diagnosed as indigestion.
1989 Had to medically retire from the military due to the untreated back injury.
2006 Hospitalized with suspected Thyroid Cancer, lump benign but required surgical removal. Smoked pot and the lump could not be found on a pre surgery cat scan. The Dr. had no medical explanation.
2011 While in “great physical shape” suffered a “Widowmaker” heart attack. The day following I received two titanium stents. Placed on 11 different medications and back in the gym one week to the day (documented, in fact all this is documented).
2011 developed progressive burning pain, muscle spasms and pain and chronic fatigue. They changed my cholesterol medication but did not tell me about the link between statins and neuropathy.
2013 returned to the VA complaining of the same symptoms which had now progressed to the point where a bullet to the head was the only relief I could see. The doctor said oh, yeah sounds like neuropathy and took me off another one of my heart medications, one that the cardiologist told me I would die without.
2014 About 4 months after he took me off the medication I suffered my second widowmaker heart attack only this time I had 100% blockage in all arteries. Placed on life support and received a quintuple bypass surgery.
That was April, 2014 after the surgery the neuropathy became so bad I couldn’t return to work, couldn’t even walk across the room. I have had an M.R.I. and Nerve reflex test which provided the diagnosis of neuropathy and also showed that I have a herniated disc in my next and arthritis throughout my spine.
That’s most of it, the depression and anxiety were a direct consequence of pain induced sleep deprivation over an extended period of time. I don’t have the pain managed to a tolerable level yet, but hope that happens when I launch this project in January.
Finally, don’t quit any meds without having a frank and open discussion with your doctor (good luck with that)! Never do what I did and quit cold turkey, I risked death and you or anybody else that did that could cause their own demise too.
[email protected]
Still Vegan and still improving..
Can’t wait to see your story…
I am looking for a way to treat chemo induced peripheral neuropathy 3 years post treatment for breast cancer. I am very interested in your experience and would appreciate a response re Cbd for PN. I have access to medicinal marijuana dispensary but would like info on specifics of what worked for you.
Hi Lucy – did you ever get your book published that you mention here? Might be interested in getting it.
I dont no how true it is but people are saying that THC kills cancer cells by making them kill there selfs? then CBD stops the cells from re-growing? i was always told as a kid to have all your greens lol
Hi Steve, I’m Lucy on the customer service team at healthy hemp oil. I understand there have been a lot of success stories but we can’t claim that CBD (or THC) can cure cancer unless proven by further studies. If you have other questions, just send me an email at [email protected].
Hi Lucy.. my husband is 64 he has a glioblastoma brain tumor..he as his medical mj card we were given his dosage amounts of the Cannibus oil in the given oral syringes …he took 0.05 amounts of the oil per day …but he got a high like no other he had ever had from smoking regular pot years ago when he was young. He s a ys he doesn’t like the feeling he gets so he has stopped… how can he continue without getting the “high” feeling.
I’m an RN (35 yrs) Did your husband’s oncologist suggest he sign up for Duke Univ. groundbreaking treatment of glio’s? They’ve modified the polio virus by removing the part that causes paralysis & replacing it with a bit of common cold virus. This is injected right into the glio tumor & it starts up at once destroying the tumor’s ‘Invisibility Cloak’ which prevents the immune system from attacking it. Over a 2-3 mos period the tumor shows signs of massive attack by T-cells & other whites. Several have had 100% destruction of their tumors while others have had significant reductions in tumor size & growth rates.
See CBS’ 60 min. episode 5-15-16
I wish you both well.
I think that what it does is block blood from entering the cancer
THC does not KILL the cancer cells . It’s the CBD that does. I have lung cancer and doing CBD . There is only 3% THC in Hemp oil and in POT it has 4% THC in it
I am posting this as a main topic and as a reply to Sandee. I endorse healthy hemp oil but want to make it clear that I am not associated with the company on any level and do not stand to profit from this endorsement.
Hi Sandee, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from anxiety and skin cancer but I want to assure you that better days are ahead for you. I apologize for the lengthy reply but I really do want to help you.
I am documenting the entire experience and I will make it available to everyone world wide for free. I can tell you that an holistic approach that encompasses mind, body, and spirit, is essential to achieving long term and sustainable remission.
I hesitate to use the word cure because of the political and legal ramifications in the corrupt world we now live in. But you can put a label on what it is when you have been cancer free for 10 years, call it whatever you like.
I am now just as a couple of weeks in and for the first time in months I am able to move around. I just took a two mile walk on the beach. My depression and anxiety has been relieved by 90% but because my medicine is illegal in Texas there is no consistency of supply and quality and content is always an issue, not to mention I am in dire financial straights.
In the interim if you can afford the product showcased here it would definitely not hurt anything to rub it into your skin. I believe I have uncovered a process that can fine tune the specific chemical components of Cannabis (Marijuana) to produce higher concentrations of specific compounds.
For instance, Myrcene a Terpene that is known to increase THC uptake by bonding the receptors and altering the membrane between them is usually found in very small concentrations, I have a method to be able to increase that any other compound as a natural part of the growth cycle. No man made chemicals of any kind involved. I can also increase the standard yield by 75% – 200% organically.
That’s as much as I can reveal right now. I may be broke at this moment but over the past 23 years I have been directly responsible for generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue (documented). I just didn’t get my fair share, but the point is I understand the marketplace value of something like this but I find it immoral to profit from somebody else’s misery or demise.
With that said it is time for me to put theory into action and I need to fund specific research and conduct specific research so I can share the results and the science behind it to anybody that wants it.
By using myself as a Human Guinea Pig I can share my experiences virtually in real time and then based on my results and after reviewing the scientific proof you can make your own decision if it is something you want to do for yourself or a loved one.
I think I will make a good subject because many of the symptoms I have to deal with are symptoms that are commonly shared with other diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes.
In the early new year I hope to crowdfund this project and 100% of the proceeds will be channeled into conducting this research, restoring the integrity of our food supply which has been compromised and set new standards for organic products. It will require me to move away from my children and relocate from Texas to Colorado.
I really do not want to solicit donations it would be inappropriate for this forum but I do want to help people like yourself so I will make this email available for anyone that wants to contact me privately. [email protected]
I am not a scientist, doctor, or lawyer, so I can’t offer specific advice but I can tell you after researching thousands of papers and watching hundreds of hours of lectures, and 56 years of life experience exactly what I would do if I were in your shoes or had to make a decision for one of my children (Well 2 are grown).
I am going to close by listing my documented ailments and diagnosis’s and three photographs the first was taken of me in 2011, the second in May following my second heart attack (not my house :() and one from the day before I quit my meds cold turkey just a few weeks ago (if I can). I’m never going to be George Clooney but I am looking much better now.
(photos are on the reply to Sandee.
1983 Suffered a spinal compression injury on active duty.
1985 Suffered a minor heart attack (Found out decades later) diagnosed as indigestion.
1989 Had to medically retire from the military due to the untreated back injury.
2006 Hospitalized with suspected Thyroid Cancer, lump benign but required surgical removal. Smoked pot and the lump could not be found on a pre surgery cat scan. The Dr. had no medical explanation.
2011 While in “great physical shape” suffered a “Widowmaker” heart attack. The day following I received two titanium stents. Placed on 11 different medications and back in the gym one week to the day (documented, in fact all this is documented).
2011 developed progressive burning pain, muscle spasms and pain and chronic fatigue. They changed my cholesterol medication but did not tell me about the link between statins and neuropathy.
2013 returned to the VA complaining of the same symptoms which had now progressed to the point where a bullet to the head was the only relief I could see. The doctor said oh, yeah sounds like neuropathy and took me off another one of my heart medications, one that the cardiologist told me I would die without.
2014 About 4 months after he took me off the medication I suffered my second widowmaker heart attack only this time I had 100% blockage in all arteries. Placed on life support and received a quintuple bypass surgery.
That was April, 2014 after the surgery the neuropathy became so bad I couldn’t return to work, couldn’t even walk across the room. I have had an M.R.I. and Nerve reflex test which provided the diagnosis of neuropathy and also showed that I have a herniated disc in my next and arthritis throughout my spine.
That’s most of it, the depression and anxiety were a direct consequence of pain induced sleep deprivation over an extended period of time. I don’t have the pain managed to a tolerable level yet, but hope that happens when I launch this project in January.
Finally, don’t quit any meds without having a frank and open discussion with your doctor (good luck with that)! Never do what I did and quit cold turkey, I risked death and you or anybody else that did that could cause their own demise too.
[email protected]
Pure CBD completely takes the fun out of it. Why is our government so anal thatit takes all fun or good feelings away from the people. The peoples will is supposed to matter in a Democratic nations and it no longer does….our overseers are nothing more than modernday Nazis. Period!
I have severe chronic spinal pain. I have a morphine pump implanted in my spine and it can’t even control the pain. I take several medications to try and help. I have had cancer four times which has led to all this pain. When you hurt so bad and it takes your muscle control away and puts you in a wheel chair, you prey for help. I lived in Colorsdo for 15 years and could get the medical marijuana patches, but now in Texas there is no help. I. Pray for relief and help so I can enjoy my grandchildren.
Hi Ryhdonna, I’m Lucy on the customer service team at healthy hemp oil. I’m sorry to hear about your situation but thanks for sharing your story with us. It may help to know that our CBD products is legal in all of 50 states in the US since it comes from the industrial hemp plant and so it is technically considered as a dietary supplement by the FDA. Do you have any specific questions about cannabidiol that I can help you out with? Just send me an email at [email protected]. I’d be glad to help 🙂
Which would you recommend for pain relief and anxiety from the pain? I have the pain in my back, spine and joints. And sleep is a problem with all of this. Thank you and I look forward to ordering.
Hi Rhydonna,
Have you tried using CBD’s before? I recommend checking out our buying guide to see all of the CBD supplements we have available. It will review each brand and type of CBD supplement that we carry and you can find our buying guide here: https://healthyhempoil.com/buy-cannabidiol-guide/
Typically for first time users, we recommend starting out with a tincture since they are easy to use and come in a variety of delicious flavors. If you need help picking one out, feel free to send an e-mail to our Customer Service Team at [email protected] or give us a call at 1-844-HEMPOIL and one of our team members would be happy to help you out 🙂
I have been diagnosed with CIDP and have been struggling with improvement after almost two years of Apheresis treatments filtering the Antibodies in my Plasma. Is there any information on using CBD to control the symptoms of Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy ?
I have been diagnosed with CIDP and have been struggling with improvement after almost two years of Apheresis treatments filtering the Antibodies in my Plasma. Is there any information on using CBD to control the symptoms of Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy ?
Lucy, my state Alabama has legalized it only for University of Alabama Birmingham. to use for epilepsy.
Rhydonna, I’m so sorry about your condition. God bless you. I suffer from chronic pain from having Peripheral Neuropathy from my toes to my neck. However, as I always say, there are a heck of a lot of people better off than me BUT there are also a heck of a lot of people a LOT worse off than me and unfortunately you are one of them. I pray that God leads you to Doctors/Meds that can truly give you relief or I pray that He intervene and heal you. I know I will be healed, maybe not in this life of relative short duration but definitely in Heaven for eternity.
I am a total newcomer and this is my first here. I have to challenge the composition figures of 40% CBD and 60% THC & other cannabinoids in marijuana extracts. Certainly this is not the case for the vast majority of strains commonly grown. Specially developed strains may show ratios similar to this but otherwise the CBD content will be considerably lower. I would suggest more in the region of 10% CBD would be more realistic, with 90% other cannabinoids (THC being the major one).
This also implies that marijuana extracts consist solely of cannabinoids and ignores the significant levels of terpenoids and other phytonutrients present. A full extraction of medicinally active compounds would see in the order of 15% of those, leaving total cannabinoids at around 85% of an extract. A full plant extract, with it’s “entourage effect”, is what makes this a universally efficacious product.
the basics are simple : THC gets you high and has CBD in it as well but to get the amount of CBD from THC strains to heal, especially in children it would likely cause a psychotic episode so Pure CBD with ZERO THC no fillers or preservative must be used [ and kept in fridge when not being used – also very expensive [ in Canada most Weed Clinics would charge about $125 for 30 mg ] or you can get Phoenix Tears CBD but it still has a ratio of THC to the CBD – most tinctures of Cannabis oil have low THC but give you a body buzz AND CONSTIPATION 🙁
What I want to know more than anything is if there’s any interactions with the medication I am taking has anyone found any information about medication interactions
I have seen posts that CBD is among its other medicinal virtues, is now recognized as very effective in healing fractured bones, increasing bone density,so that the bone is stronger than before the fracture, & prevents osteoporosis (bones have cannabinoid receptors)! I would like your opinion on this as I am now recuperating from a fractured femur head from an accident while in Brazil.I live in Brookline, Massachusetts & have a marijuana dispensary across the street but they are not allowed to sell CBD, only marijuana! Can you advise doseage for this use (I’ve seen online recommended dosages from 2g – 25g)? And which form,concentrated oil where 1 drop equals 2g? And what are the most trusted brands?
Would like to order cannibas oil but I don’t know a reliable company. Can someone suggest one or two?
I have question about CBD reaction with thyroid meds. I have to take a combo T3/T4 plus a blood pressure med. does anyone know if there are adverse reactions
Hi. I’m pretty much a newbie to medical marijuana and the benefits of CBD, though I have read some articles on it. My seven year old son is “autistic.” I have some learning to do as to how I can help alleviate some of his symptoms, but if this group has any feedback as to how CBD can help him specifically, I’d be very appreciative.
I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrom (Willis`Ekbomb Disease) and after trying various medications over the years nothing is currently relieving my symptoms. I am in Australia & I have joined three Restless Leg Syndrome Facebook Groups. It is being discussed that CBT may help me as I am about to take a Drug Holiday because Pramipexole is no longer helping me. I don’t know if it is illegal for me to order it from USA to Australia, can someone help? Thank you so much.
My son who is 35 Y/O has Seizures and his Doctor is old and doesn’t believe in anything new, so I started to research CBD to see if it will help him and the information is hard to get, the people who have it don’t want to let it go, finally I found SCLABS. in California and they told the truth and had info on products I could buy to help my son,the people and companies who have information need to get with it and release all of it and stop trying to make a buck off of it,there are a lot of people who need help and are not getting it,
I don’t agree with a hard lined narrow minded either/or attitude toward these kind of things. This seems to be a very opinionated article. I think maybe we might want to wait for further study and knowledge about this medicinal plant before we commit to such harsh opinions…Just sayin’. Bless Y’all bunches at the same time.
Does healthy hemp oil help with restless leg syndrome? I’ve been on six different medications and all lose effect after about a month.
Yes Hilger,i have healed many through the oil i make so your case is not going to be different using the oil
My question is. What is the difference between hemp and cannabus CBD ?? Whats the best/most potent??
I would like to put my experience this past week into the conversation. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2001 (15 years ago) and have been in excruciating pain for a decade and a half. I do not have a medical marijuana card but can attest to CBD and its miraculous affects. Prior to last week, I was on 15 mg morphine 3x day/10 mg oxycodone 4x/day). The pain pills did not take the swelling/extreme pain away at all, I was miserable. I read an article online that CBD rich hemp oil could be found in some vitamin shops and is legal in Arizona. Last week I got fed up with taking pain pills that did not work and went to Vitamin Shoppe in local mall and have been totally pain free for 1 week, it is absolutely amazing. No THC/no high, but all the benefits of having a medical marijuana card. I drink a cup of tea with 1tbsp of CBD rich hemp oil 3x a day and no pain, I literally got my life back. No pain whatsoever, just a little pressure in my lower back and my right elbow (the joints with the most damage). All other damaged joints feel awesome (no pain) and my swollen hands and body are no longer swollen. Anyone who has Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation or severe pain should use CBD rich hemp oil or medical marijuana instead of anti inflammatory/pain meds. Just some thoughts about CBD rich hemp oil/medical marajuana.
Hi Amanda, amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing.
So happy CBD is working for you. Feel free to keep us updated on your journey!
Oh Amanda this post gives me soooo much hope, my 79yr old mother has had dibilatating rheumatoid arthritis for 30 plus yrs, She is in constant pain she has been on Methatextrate for 30 yrs her bones are soooo brittle she get inflammation flareups daily..she also has insomnia I have watched her take 3 ambien in 1 day she says it helps the pain when she lays down, she is like a zombie, we have given her pot brownies but she couldnt handle the high, do you think cbd rich hemp oil is what she needs….ty so much
Does it work for epilepsy? I heard it may help control seizures.