Articles written by this author

How to Make High CBD Edibles That Work


What are CBD Edibles? Before you get down to making CBD edibles, it’s useful to know exactly what CBD is. (For any questions involving cannabidiol, we recommend visiting our resource page about cannabidiol, where we tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know in depth.)   Most people, when they think of marijuana or cannabis, […]

What Is Hemp Wear?


The demand for eco-friendly clothing is growing by the day with an ever-increasing number of brands acknowledging the various benefits of hemp wear and other types of natural fabrics. These natural materials are favored by an increasing number of clothing brands for myriad reasons, including comfort, durability and versatility. While hemp can be utilized across […]

Pies, Pumpkins and Pot at the Oregon State County Fair


The increased relaxation of marijuana regulations over the last few years has taken many forms, from medical legislation to, more recently, the DEA’s plans to make it more accessible to scientists for research. And this year, in Salem, Oregon, between August 26th and September 5th, this relaxed legislation will allow the first-ever public display of […]