CBD onset time can vary from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the dosage, the method of consumption, and what you’re trying to address.
By vaping or sublingually ingesting CBD, you can start feeling effects within minutes. Edibles, on the other hand, require digestion, so the time to feel CBD effects is longer, typically ranging from 20 minutes to an hour.
Vaping your hemp oil is one of the most effective methods of absorption, and you can try it easily and safely with our vape starter kit.
Using your CBD sublingually (for example, with our CBD oil herbal spray) is the second most effective method of absorption, giving you relief within minutes.
Applying CBD products topically leads to relatively slow and uniform cannabidiol absorption, ensuring that the skin remains moisturized and receives CBD’s benefits over a longer period of time.
Eating a delicious product like CBD chocolate (or the hempy-tasting high-CBD hemp oil) takes longer, from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how much you ate before and how long ago your last meal was.
But First, What is CBD?
CBD is a natural cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Both hemp and marijuana belong to this same cannabis family, but they are two distinct plants (technically, not taxonomically) with different CBD contents.
Marijuana contains both CBD and quite a bit of THC. THC is an illegal substance in most states and countries, as it causes an addictive high and has a potent psychoactive effect. Industrial hemp, on the other hand, contains very little THC and a lot more CBD.
Some people want the combined effects of THC and CBD to address their symptoms and prefer high-CBD marijuana strains, while others who only want to enjoy the non-psychoactive CBD prefer high-CBD hemp oil. CBD is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis used to improve sleep, relieve stress, or alleviate pain and inflammation.
Choosing between CBD tinctures and edibles or topical applications can determine how quickly and effectively it works for you. Check out our buyer’s guide to help you choose the best option.
However, please note that the FDA has not approved over-the-counter CBD products for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.
What Are the Benefits of Using CBD Oil?
The impact of CBD varies based on individual response to CBD and the amount consumed. CBD dosage guidelines recommend starting low and adjusting as needed.
At low levels (1 to 20 milligrams), CBD may help you feel relaxed and take the edge off the day without making you feel sedated. At higher levels (20+ milligrams) you may feel very relaxed and possibly sleepy. Each person responds differently, so it’s best to start low and work up in serving size.
CBD’s effects vary from person to person. While ongoing research explores its potential benefits, anecdotal evidence suggests that some users have experienced the following:
Stress Relief & Improvement in Mood
CBD is known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help regulate mood, ease tension, and promote relaxation. Some users report feeling calmer and more balanced after consuming CBD.
Chronic or Acute Pain Relief
Users have shared that CBD may assist with discomfort related to muscle soreness and minor aches. However, more research is needed.
Reduced Itchiness or Other Skin Irritations
CBD topicals may help moisturize the skin and reduce irritation. Limited studies suggest it might help with conditions like eczema or dry skin. Additionally, CBD has antioxidant properties that may support skin health by protecting against free radical damage.
Improved Sleep
Some users find that CBD helps improve their sleep patterns by promoting relaxation. Unlike traditional sleep aids, CBD is less likely to leave you feeling groggy in the morning.
Eased Nausea or Vomiting
CBD has been reported by some users to help manage nausea, although scientific studies are still inconclusive.
How Long Does it Take for CBD Oil to Work for Joint Pain?
The potency depends on the serving size and on what you want to alleviate.
If you combine your CBD oil with a drink or food, you’ll have to wait longer, but you are also safe from side effects like headaches and dysphoria.
Don’t expect the effects of CBD to last as long as they do for others. Everybody is different and reacts differently to CBD oil. The only way to know for sure is to try.
Remember: always start with a low serving size, and work yourself up slowly. Let your physician know before you start using CBD, especially if you suffer from chronic illness and take medication.
What Is the Fastest Way to Feel the Effects of CBD?
- How to Relax with CBD | HHO
Since every person is unique, your individual chemistry will determine how CBD affects you and how long it takes for it to start working. Your age, sex, weight, and whether you are currently taking other medications can all come into play.
The nature of the symptom that you are seeking to combat, your mode of consumption, and serving size are also factors that will affect how long it will take for CBD to start working after you use it.
Here are some popular CBD delivery methods in order of the fastest way to experience the effects:
1. CBD Vape Inhalation
Inhaling CBD vape oil with a vaporizer is one of the fastest ways to begin experiencing the benefits of CBD. Vaping is a rapid method for relief because the CBD enters your lungs, diffuses directly into your bloodstream, and circulates throughout your body, bypassing your digestive system.
You can typically expect to start feeling effects within a minute or two of inhalation, and they will generally last for a few hours. You can vape throughout the day, but if you are new to inhaling CBD, you should probably keep your daily serving size to less than 10 milligrams.
However, the FDA has not evaluated vaping for CBD use, and potential health risks exist. Consult a healthcare provider before trying inhalable products.
Check out our CBD Vapes & Oils to get started.
2. Sublingual CBD Ingestion
The second fastest way to reap the benefits of cannabidiol is to take a CBD tincture sublingually (under your tongue) by using a spray or dropper bottle. When you use CBD sublingually, you can start experiencing an onset of effects within 30 to 90 minutes from ingestion. These effects will typically last four to six hours.
Like inhalation, sublingual intake is such a rapid method because it allows the CBD to enter the bloodstream directly, bypassing the stomach, intestines, and liver.
Our Herbal Renewals: CBD Oil Herbal Spray is a fun, easy way to try CBD sublingually. Just spritz two pumps on your tongue for a 1.25-milligram burst. The average serving size is 3.1 milligrams, but you can adjust it to find the best amount for you.
3. Topical CBD Application
Research suggests that CBD has anti-inflammatory benefits when applied externally. Topical application may also be beneficial for some skin conditions, like pimples and dryness, and may provide localized relief from muscle soreness and joint pain.
Common topical CBD products include balms, lotions, oils, and salves. They work by binding to CB2 receptors near the skin and activating the endocannabinoid system, without being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Human skin absorbs these cannabinoids at a low rate; this is why many cannabis topicals recommend liberal application to the affected area. Topical methods are slower to take effect than other methods (generally more than an hour), but the benefits may be long-lasting (often five or more hours).
4. CBD Edibles and Capsules
You can ingest CBD in edibles, like gummies or brownies, or in capsule form. However, these modes of consumption are relatively slow. This is because your body must digest and absorb the food or capsule before you can begin experiencing the effects of CBD.
After ingesting a CBD edible or CBD capsule, you may start feeling effects in as little as 20 minutes, depending on your individual digestive system and metabolism. For most people, though, it takes about 60 minutes to start feeling the effects of CBD that has been ingested via edibles.
You may be able to hasten the effects on your individual system by ingesting CBD on an empty stomach; it can take much longer if you have just eaten a large meal.
How Much CBD Do You Need?
Everybody reacts to CBD differently, and progressively increasing your intake will allow you to learn the effects that CBD has on you.
Start really low (2 to 3 milligrams) and work yourself up to the recommended serving size. As soon as your symptoms are gone, you will need to stop increasing the serving size; if your symptoms worsen, discontinue use or lower your serving size.
And as usual, if you have a serious health issue, we urge you to see your doctor for recommendations.
How Long Does CBD Last?
While your metabolism plays a significant role in how long it takes your body to process it, CBD oil will generally stay in your system in trace amounts for three or four days. However, these trace amounts do not necessarily correlate to the detectable effects of CBD.
Depending on your mode of use, CBD oil effects will last for two to six hours, with topicals reigning as the longest-lasting products, followed by capsules and edibles.
What If I Don’t Feel Like CBD Is Working?
Not feeling the effects of CBD right away?
Certain CBD products, particularly edibles, require longer to work based on metabolism and the natural digestive process, so you may just need to wait a little longer. You may also need to experiment with serving sizes to determine exactly what works best for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should consumable CBD oil be taken on an empty stomach?
No. Consuming CBD oil with food enhances its bioavailability of CBD, allowing more of it to enter your bloodstream, therefore increasing its effectiveness.
While some manufacturers recommend taking their CBD oil products on an empty stomach for faster results, doing so will decrease its overall potency.
What is the best time of day to take CBD oil?
There is no perfect time of day to use CBD oil. Because it’s important to keep your CBD servings consistent, the ideal time to use CBD oil is when it best fits into your schedule. You’ll need to monitor how long the effects last for you to figure out the best times throughout the day for your servings.
For most people, the important factor is that you’re taking your CBD oil at the same time every day to ensure its effects are consistent.
Where can you find high-quality CBD oil?
When you buy CBD online, stick to vendors who invest in third-party lab tests and provide only reputable, US-manufactured products. Hemp oil is expensive to produce at the highest purity and quality standards, so you should steer clear of any suspiciously cheap offer or product, as it may contain substances you don’t want to ingest.
Check out our best CBD oil page to discover some of the most popular product types.
Do you have something to add about CBD? Tell us your opinion below in the comment section!
7 Responses
I just had delivered one small bottle of CBD oil and I tried it with no effect, then I tried a full squirt from the dropper. No effect, my question is do I need to upgrade the CBD to a higher strength? PS I was waiting a very long time for the package to be delivered, it was not packed very well. I would not mind paying a little extra for a more secure package!
PPS Whats with the extra advertising with Disqus?
xGood day We have cannabis oil, Cannabis wax and hemp oil for cancer available at moderate prices
We also have medical marijuana
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My partner has had PTSD and chronic jaw pain for over ten years. 40 mg of CBD caps daily, no headaches, PTSD managed, no jaw pain, no nausea. That happened the very next morning. He still marvels after three weeks, at the transformation. I notice how it takes down inflammation in myself, joints are almost normal A friend of mine has been almost cleared of Rheumatoid arthritis. So far it is all good. I had quite the spiritual/energetic experience when I started taking it. The marijuana is very feminine in nature, caring, loving and exacting in that she knows what to do and where to go. It has made my vitamin and herbals work better and take less of. Some I have stopped, no need.
There are currently no side effects reported to the use of CBD
unfortunately, because it is currently being studied by the FDA we can’t claim CBD or any of our products would be helpful for a particular condition, disorder or symptom, we’ll have to wait until studies are completed and results are shared before we can do so.
According to customers’ feedback the amount of CBD to serve changes depending on the user. We suggest to start taking the product in low amounts, 2 to 3 mg a day would be perfect, you can use that amount once a day for about a week, after that and depending on how you feel you can double the amount you serve and try for an additional week, the idea is to repeat this process until you find the right amount of CBD to use.
unfortunately, because it is currently being studied by the FDA we can’t claim CBD or any of our products would be helpful for a particular condition, disorder or symptom, we’ll have to wait until studies are completed and results are shared before we can do so.
Hemp oil generaly refers to oil taken form Hemp seeds, it has very little CBD and is usually used as a source of protein and for cooking. While CBD oil is extracted from the stalks, leaves and buds of Hemp which have large quantities of CBD.