Does CBD Get You High?

Can CBD Oil Get You High?

The Quick Answer:

Question: Does CBD oil get you high?

Answer: No, CBD is naturally non-psychoactive. You may, however, feel more relaxed, which some people also associate with being “high.”

Want to learn more? Read below to dig deeper into this topic or check out our best CBD oil page to learn about our best-selling products.

While CBD is non-psychoactive and there is a lot of positive research surrounding CBD oil effects, it is sometimes overshadowed by the information we hear about THC. THC is another compound found in the cannabis plant. THC has psychotropic properties and is associated with feelings of sedation, anxiety, elation, relaxation, and sometimes hallucinations and delusions, among other effects (1).

The fact that THC and CBD are closely linked leads people to question, “Can CBD oil get you high?” Additionally, as THC products are illegal in most places, confusing CBD with THC can cause worry.

Why Doesn’t CBD Get You High?

The process of extracting CBD oil is unlikely to produce oil with high levels of THC, and CBD on its own doesn’t get you high.

CBD oil is made from industrial hemp which has the lowest concentration of CBD.

When you choose CBD oil made from hemp, you will only get negligible levels of THC (<0.3%), because hemp is grown and used for its sturdy stalks and low levels of THC. So, no, you will not get high when consuming products made from industrial hemp.

However, CBD can also be found in marijuana. This may or may not be legal, depending on where you live. If you decided to get products made from marijuana, you may get varying levels of THC and CBD. This is totally up to the dispensary. If you are concerned about getting high, you may want to avoid products made from marijuana unless you can confirm the quantities of CBD and THC. This can be done by third-party lab testing, and any self-respecting company should be checking their products for heavy metals, mold, pesticides, and cannabinoid levels.

Does CBD Oil Have Any Psychoactive Effects?

CBD is non-psychoactive by nature. CBD tends to keep users clear-headed without the euphoric high or psychoactive effects of THC. This can be advantageous for those users who are new to cannabis products or who may be sensitive to some of the extreme side effects of THC.

CBD Doesn’t Directly Interact with CB1 or CB2 Receptors

CBD and THC affect the endocannabinoid system in different ways. THC more commonly activates CB1 receptors, which are most commonly concentrated in the brain. CBD doesn’t directly interact with CB1 or CB2 receptors, but it does indirectly affect the signaling pathways of the two receptors. This is partly why CBD presents no psychoactive effects. CBD may even get in the way of THC triggering CB1 receptors, which can affect its overall effects.

That said, many CBD oils contain trace amounts of THC, and recent evidence suggests that CBD and THC may work in conjunction to complement their beneficial effects. However, the amount of THC in CBD oil (0.3 percent or less) is not nearly enough to produce psychoactive effects to make you feel high.

If CBD Doesn’t Get You High, What Does CBD Do?

The use of CBD to provide a plethora of benefits has hugely grown in popularity over recent years, and so has the research. Recently, a paper was published reviewing the therapeutic uses of cannabinoids, giving special attention to CBD. The paper claims CBD to be non-psychotropic and to have implications for inflammation (3).

Research has even gone as far as to say that CBD has antipsychotic properties. This is the opposite of the effects of other cannabinoids such as THC. Research published back in 2006 suggests that CBD is a safe antipsychotic compound that could have anxiolytic effects (4).

CBD has been seen to be completely different from THC even in how it interacts with receptors in the brain. While more research is needed, this is good evidence to support the assertion that the two compounds have completely different effects.

CBD indirectly affects the signaling of CB1 and CB2 receptors, as mentioned above, but CBD can also increase levels of endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body) and inhibits enzymes that break those endocannabinoids down. CBD also affects other non-cannabinoid receptors in the brain, including opioid, dopamine, and serotonin receptors. Opioid receptors are known for playing a role in regulating pain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in motivation and a variety of other aspects of behavior. Serotonin is best known as the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of happiness and wellbeing, but it plays a broader role in regulating mood.

All of this contributes to the diverse range of CBD’s effects, which may include:

  • Managing pain
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Protecting the brain
  • Supporting a healthy mood

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get high from hemp seed oil?

No, hemp seeds contain no THC, so there is no chance of getting high from eating hemp seed oil or hemp seeds themselves.

Can you get high from hemp hearts?

No, hemp hearts contain no THC, so there is no chance of getting high from eating hemp hearts.

Can you get high on hemp?

No, the hemp plant as a whole was bred specially for its hearty stalks and low levels of THC. You can not get high by smoking hemp.


Cannabis can be intimidating to the unfamiliar because of its characteristic psychoactive effects. As CBD doesn’t present the potential to get people high, it offers an excellent alternative to those looking for the plant’s potential benefits without the high. CBD is also a great first step if you’re not sure where to start. We offer a wide variety of CBD oil products for beginners and veterans alike. Take a look at our store and start incorporating the potential benefits of CBD into your life today.

FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold by Healthy Hemp Oil are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Read more