The road to legalizing marijuana has been a long one and, over the years, has seen many twists, turns, detours, and delays. As outdated marijuana policies begin to loosen, more and more states are seemingly becoming more open to the idea of legalizing marijuana (on a medical and/or recreational level). Pioneer states such as Colorado […]
Were you to take a quick tour of the DEA’s website, you might be forgiven for thinking hemp was never an accepted part of American society, parked as it is alongside nefarious substances like heroin. So it may come as a surprise to know that hemp used to be one of the most widely planted […]
People with back pain often decrease their activity level to prevent further damage, and some may stop working altogether. Cutting back on physical activities that you once enjoyed can dampen your spirit and quality of life, and this may postpone your recovery. Friends, family members, and employers can also slow your recovery by being too […]
There is a pervasive belief that using cannabis can make you lazy. But is there any truth to it? A new study from the University of British Columbia has set out to find an answer. Rats are industrious little creatures. Smart too. But when researchers at the University of British Columbia administered THC, something very […]
The increased relaxation of marijuana regulations over the last few years has taken many forms, from medical legislation to, more recently, the DEA’s plans to make it more accessible to scientists for research. And this year, in Salem, Oregon, between August 26th and September 5th, this relaxed legislation will allow the first-ever public display of […]
Like oxygen, water and food, humans need sleep to survive. Anyone who has stayed awake through an all-nighter for work or study may have experienced the toll lack of sleep can take on your abilities to get through the next day. While it may seem nearly impossible to get the recommended 7-9 hours each night, […]
There’s a lot of money swirling around the cannabis industry at the moment. Investors are confident in a return. But why? According to the New York-based private-equity firm Tuatara Capital, the company has raised the largest amount of capital ever to invest in the legal marijuana industry. They raised $93 million and recently closed an […]
Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response. When you think of inflammation, images of a swollen stubbed toe might come to mind. This is known as acute inflammation and is actually something that is good for your body. In this case, the immune system is doing its job, and the body’s natural defense […]
Do you feel tired during the day? Are you getting enough quality sleep at night? Getting enough quality sleep requires that you achieve an optimal sleep cycle at night. Sleep was once thought to be state of inaction in which your brain and body would shut down to rest and recuperate from the day’s activities. […]
Patients can now grow a “limited amount” of cannabis for medicinal purposes at home in Canada under new laws. The change came about after the Federal Court deemed the old rules unconstitutional. It’s all go north of the border. Expanded rules, due to come into effect later this month (August 24th), have granted Canadian medical […]