Will Restaurants Start Serving CBD-Infused Foods?

Restaurants with CBD-infused foods

With the growth of new laws, the United States is quickly developing marijuana-legal spaces, allowing for the plant’s increasing ubiquity and regulation. California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and several other states have led the way on marijuana legalization, with many more states considering decriminalization or allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Cannabidiol, or CBD, […]

Can You (Legally) Buy THC Oil, Cannabis Oil or Marijuana Oil?

Can You (Legally) Buy THC Oil, Cannabis Oil or Marijuana Oil

The Quick Answer: Question: Can You Legally Buy THC Oil? Answer:  Yes, but you must be living in a US State that has approved Cannabis oil for sale for medical or recreational use. However, if you don’t live in one of these states, you can use CBD oil made from hemp to get the same […]

Why CBD Oil and Your Body Go Together (Like Milk and Cookies)


You may already know that marijuana products can offer effective, natural relief for discomfort. But did you know that there’s a certain type of marijuana product that can alleviate these problems (and a whole lot more) without making you feel “stoned?” CBD (cannabidiol) is an oil derived from cannabis plants that offers an incredible array […]

10 Surprising Facts about How to Use CBD Oil for Dogs

10 Surprising Facts About How to Use CBD Oil for Dogs Man’s best friend deserves the very best when it comes to their nutrition and overall well-being. Whether your fur baby is a large breed like a German shepherd or a small breed like a Chihuahua, their health is of the utmost importance, as with […]

CBD Tinctures: The Old-School Option That’s Gaining Popularity

CBD tincture

If you have ever considered supplementing your daily diet with cannabidiol, or CBD, you may have heard of CBD tinctures as an alternative way to ingest the healthy benefits of hemp products. Many people have long been praising CBD tinctures for the potential relief of stress and inflammation, as well as helping improve their moods. […]

CBD Isolate: What is it and How do You Use CBD Isolates

Cbd Isolate

Today, the purest form of cannabidiol (CBD) available is an isolate. High-quality isolates test at 99-percent pure CBD and are still a relatively new product on the market. If you are new to the recent developments in the world of medicinal cannabinoids, using products like isolates might seem risky. After all, isolates look nothing like […]

Find the Best CBD Gifts for Your Significant Other Using Our Quiz

Best CBD Products

Have you ever struggled to find the perfect gift for a friend or loved one? If so, we have some good news for you! No matter what the occasion, CBD-infused products make easy gifts for even the pickiest people. CBD oil products offer relief from pain, inflammation and tired muscles while calming busy minds and […]