How To Use CBD Oil For Joint Pain

Hemp Oil for Joint Pain

Can I Rub CBD Oil On My Skin For Pain? CBD oil has been used traditionally for thousands of years to help soothe and ease discomfort, but only recently has the medical community once more embraced its possible healing capabilities. Many people, including experts and researchers, have praised the incredible therapeutic potential of cannabinoids, especially […]

The Tale of Topical CBD Oil

Topical cbd

What Is Topical CBD & How Does It Work? When we talk about topical CBD, we’re referring to the range of lotions, balms, sprays, and other skin-care products made from cannabidiol, a natural derivative of marijuana and hemp plants. CBD works differently in our bodies than THC, so CBD does not cause the same “stoned” […]

What You Don’t Know About Arizona Marijuana Laws Can Cost You (Big Time)

Arizona Marijuana

The Legal Status of Marijuana in Arizona For Arizona residents who are hoping for the full legalization of marijuana, it’s been a bumpy ride. Medical marijuana has been legal since 2010. At that time, Arizona marijuana had been on the ballot four times over roughly 10 years (as Proposition 203), having failed in 2002 and […]

The Different Types Of Weed and The Differences Between Weed Strains

Different Types Of Weed

Table Of Contents Marijuana Origins Marijuana Classification Types of Marijuana Understanding The Difference Between Weed Strains Marijuana Plant Genders Marijuana Origins Marijuana has been used medically and recreationally for millennia. Initially, it was used medically and spiritually, and it’s been around for over 12,000 years. It is said to have originally grown in the dumping […]