Therabis Stop the Itch for Dogs with CBD
Our furry friends often get into trouble, touching toxic substances while on their walks, having allergic reactions, or contracting pests and diseases that make their skin itch. These symptoms, although often harmless by themselves, can ruin your pet’s quality of life. Thankfully there is a solution in the special Therabis Stop the Itch for Dogs, which contains premium CBD oil for itchy dogs.
Lifetime veterinarian Dr. Stephen M. Katz has dedicated a lot of his time to creating the perfect formula to offer your pet comfort and a calming effect. By combining soothing CBD (Cannabidiol), bromelain, and quercetin, as well as a mix of vitamins and minerals, our natural supplement for dogs with itchy skin can provide calm and a higher quality of life for your pet.
What is Therabis Dogs Supplement for Itchy Skin?
The main ingredient that makes Therabis Dogs Supplement for Itchy Skin so great is CBD, a natural cannabinoid found in all plants of the cannabis family. CBD does not have psychoactive effects and is legal in all states. CBD is the second most plentiful cannabinoid found in medicinal marijuana, but without the psychotropic effects of THC, which is why it is legal in all states. This is why cannabidiol can help calm pets with skin symptoms. CBD is derived from the industrial hemp plant’s seeds and has been proven to help improve overall wellness and offer a sense of calm.
Therabis also combines natural terpenes, bromelain, and quercetin to create a stronger calming effect. Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from pineapple that helps soothe edema, redness, and itching, while quercetin is a flavonoid that has skin-soothing effects and is great for calming your pet. Together, CBD, quercetin, and bromelain create a combination of natural goodness that improves overall wellness.
Why Choose Therabis Stop the Itch for Dogs?
Producing a product that is high in CBD while containing only traces of THC and impurities is an expensive process. This is why cheap CBD products are usually impure or may contain THC, which is still illegal in some states and countries. To be sure that your furry friend gets only the best treatment, it is advised that you trust only in certified vendors like Healthy Hemp Oil.
We choose products that are made by reliable manufacturers, so when buying from us, you know that your CBD product is:
- Legal
- High quality
- Safe
- Potent
We care deeply about the wellbeing of both our human and animal clients. This is why we offer Therabis Stop the Itch for Dogs with CBD, because it has been thoroughly tested to have a pleasant taste that dogs love while also offering maximum natural goodness without side effects.
How to Use Therabis Stop the Itch for Dogs
Using Therabis Stop the Itch is quite simple:
- Depending on whether your dog is small, medium, or large in size, purchase the Therabis satchels that are best suited.
- Each morning, sprinkle one full satchel of Therabis onto your pet’s food.
- Make sure your pet eats all the food.
To make sure that your pet consumes the entire dose, place a bit less food in the bowl at first. If your pet is still hungry after finishing the food, you can simply give a bit more. Also, to maximize your pet’s chances of improving, avoid letting your pet run in forests and fields with wild plants. If your pet’s itching is generalized and has no known cause, visit your vet to make sure your pet isn’t suffering from an allergy. Remember to give your dog a full anti-parasitic treatment whenever it is needed.
Therabis is an excellent solution when you want to improve your pet’s wellness levels and provide a sense of calm, but it won’t cure an underlying problem, so it is best to find out what is causing your pet’s problem and if possible to remove the cause from his environment. We’re happy to help dogs around the world feel happier and live comfortable lives!
Remember: This supplement is for dogs ONLY. Do not use on humans or other pets. Do not give this product to pregnant dogs. If your dog’s symptoms are severe or worsening, take your pet to a vet. This product contains molasses, so it may not be ideal for diabetic dogs.
FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold by Healthy Hemp Oil are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Read more