Articles written by this author

Phytocannabinoids: An Introductory Guide


What’s the Difference Between Phytocannabinoids and Cannabinoids? It might interest you to know that there’s actually a minimal difference between phytocannabinoids and cannabinoids. The difference is just a matter of specificity. Phytocannabinoids refer to any cannabinoid that is naturally occurring within the cannabis family of plants. Such cannabinoids include the more famous THC and CBD, […]

Synthetic CBD: How Does it Compare?


A Short Mini-History As an article published in the British Journal of Pharmacology reads, the first CBD to be synthesized was on a historic day in 1940, in the laboratories of Roger Adams in the USA. Adams was an extraordinary chemist whose crown achievements span far wider than his credit for the first synthesized cannabinoids, […]

What Makes CBD Edibles so Awesome?

CBD Edibles

CBD Edibles are specially designed foods that contain hemp oil. Hemp oil is derived from the industrial hemp plant, which belongs to the cannabis family but is a different plant than marijuana. Industrial hemp has been used since ancient times to create cloth and edible oil. Recently, it was discovered that hemp seed oil is […]