If you’re feeling the summertime blues, you’re not alone. We’re all familiar with the winter blues; it’s easy to get down when the days turn shorter and temperatures start to drop. Known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), feeling depression in the winter months is a common occurrence. Did you know, however, that some people experience […]
Join us as we continue to investigate the composition of hemp oil. We have recently answered the question, “What is Linoleic Acid?” In this article, we are turning our attention to something else found in hemp seed oil: Beta(B)-Sitosterol. B-Sitosterol is one of several phytosterols (or plant sterols) that have a chemical structure similar to […]
The NAIHC — North American Industrial Hemp Council — has been fighting for the rights of the industrial hemp industry for decades. But why do these rights matter? As you possibly know from perusing our website a bit, both CBD and hemp products are legal imports, but it has remained mostly illegal for industrial hemp […]
Anyone who has participated in a sports competition may be aware of the concept of sports anxiety. Often referred to as “choking,” sports anxiety can best be described as the onslaught of nervousness, fear or anxiety capable of interfering with your performance. If you’ve dealt with sports anxiety, your athletic performance may be hindered by […]
Do you dread Mondays? Does the sound of your alarm clock going off send your spirits sinking into despair? Do you glide to work with a smile on your face or drag yourself there? All of us experience some kind of work-related stress at some point in our careers, and it can have grave consequences […]
There’s no denying it—we live in a world where information rules. Our phones, tablets, and laptops ping at us indiscriminately, whether to report on a worldwide disaster or simply to let us know our friend has posted on social media. We are glued to our screens, feeling panic if we cannot access the internet. Does […]
Stress can come in many different forms, but it will affect everyone in some form at some point in their lives. While most instances of stress are normal and part of everyday life, large amounts of stress can have consequences for both the body and mind, some of which can even be deadly if not […]
Making up a substantial part of the lipids (naturally occurring molecules) in the human body, fatty acids are an important source of energy. More than 60 fatty acids have been found in blood plasma and tissues. However, only a small fraction are relevant. A large body of evidence regarding fatty acids, total fat content, and […]
Before getting into high CBD edibles, we should start by explaining what CBD is. For a more detailed explanation, you can see our resource page about cannabidiol, but to summarize, CBD is a cannabinoid, one of the many cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. THC is also a cannabinoid, but cannabinoids vary widely regarding […]
During high levels of stress, a number of internal processes may be enacted with the intention of getting you out of harm’s way and back to a position of safety. Within a matter of seconds, your body will ramp up your heart rate to feed oxygen-rich blood to the parts most crucial to your defense. […]